Bank Info

Data and Statistics

Performe informed desicions based on data and Statistics gathered from reputable sources.

Average Savings and FD interest rate

NPL ratio

Non-Performing Loan Ratio: This key performance indicator shows the health of a bank’s loan portfolio. It's the ratio of the total amount of non-performing loans to the total amount of loans issued by the bank. A high ratio could signal that the bank has a high number of risky loans, which could lead to financial difficulties.

Source : Lanka Rating Agency

ADR ratio

Advance/Decline Ratio: A popular market-breadth indicator used in technical analysis. It measures the number of stocks that closed higher against those that closed lower than their previous day's closing prices. This ratio can help traders identify potential trends and reversals.

Source : Lanka Rating Agency

Total Advances

Total Advances: Refers to the total credit facilities offered by banks to meet short-term requirements. These are similar to loans but are given for a very short duration. The total advances is the sum of all such credit facilities given out by the bank.

Source : Lanka Rating Agency